ALL FORMS can be found at the right side of this page.

NOTE: Please send all NEW REGISTRATION APPLICATIONS in with a stamped addressed envelope DLE sized or larger and CHANGE OF OWNERSHIP TRANSFERS with TWO stamped addressed envelopes. (The latter is because the registration card goes to the new owner and the receipt goes to the old owner).


Membership per annum $25.00

Stud return $5.00 (Late Fee after 31st July add $45.00)

Foal/Horse registration $20.00 if both parents registered with NZIHA

Foal/Horse registration $30.00 if one parent registered with NZIHA

Foal/Horse registration $40.00 if neither parent registered with NZIHA

Change of ownership $5.00 for horses with NSHA registration card only

Change of ownership $15.00 for horses with APANZ registration card

- this is because we have to make up a new NZIHA card as the old APANZ one does not have anywhere that we can put transfer details on it.

Replacement Registration card $10.00 NZIHA DNA Kit $110.00


Please check the list of registered horses first if you are trying to locate the registration number for your horse.

If you have any queries then please EMAIL the Registrar with details, all queries must be done in writing and no queries will be dealt with on the phone.

If your horse is not listed on the Registered Horses List then we do not have your horse's details.

If you have an old AHAA registration and want the registration included then please send a copy of the registration information (registration certificate or card), current membership information and the fee for a replacement card.

1. All purebreds must be DNA tested. Partbreds must be microchipped, DNA tested or permanently branded at the owner’s choice. One of the above is required.

2. Stallion returns and breeding certificates are required and must be furnished by 31 July each year. Filing fee to be be $5.00 with late return penalty of $45.00

3. We do not require a photograph of the horse for registration, but one can be included at the owner’s discretion

4. No duplicate names allowed. If a name is a duplicate, a prefix or suffix may be added so that it is not a duplicate.

5. No penalty for registering horses older than 6 mths. Same fees apply to all registrations

6. There is no Gelding rule for partbred horses.

7. NZIHA will carry out DNA testing if required, but owners are free to use whatever agent they want. They can use ACPRE or overseas agents as required by specific breed registries. As long as we have a copy of the test with the registration, we will accept the registration of purebreds, irrespective of what agent procured it.

8. For the purposes of registration, a partbred must be 50% or greater. Any horse which has less than 50% of the registered breed, must be registered as a grade horse – eg SPG or FRG.

9. All registrations must be on current NZIHA official forms and all persons registering horses must be current financial members of NZIHA.

10. All registrations must be accompanied by a copy of the breeding /service certificate.


Breed Type Purebred Code Partbred Code Grade Horse Code
Friesian Horses - FR - - FRX - - FRG -
Lipizzaner - LP - - LPX - - LPG -
Lusitano - LUS - - LUSX - - LUSG -
Spanish x Lusitano - SL - - SLX - - SLG -
Paso Fino - PF - - PFX - - PFG -
Peruvian - PH - - PHX - - PHG -
Rocky Mountain - RM - - RMX - - RMG -
Spanish - SP - - SPX - - SPG -